Founder/ President of Pets & Animals in Distress Brenda Beck with Weeble Wobble at 4 weeks old after being rescued from near death and rushed to Academy Animal Hospital on Mothers Day May 13, 2001
It was Mother’s Day weekend, May 13 2001. Brenda Beck, Founder/President of the Pets & Animals in Distress, was doing cat adoptions at the Pet Supermarket in Pompano Beach, Florida with her volunteer named, Roxanne. A young woman had seen them doing adoptions and came up and asked for help – stating she had found a sick, injured B/W kitten that had been abandoned in an alley that was very sick and dying. Brenda urged the woman to go bring the kitten to her immediately. The young woman returned with a tiny lifeless puff of black and white fur. I saw it was a little male kitten that couldn’t have been more than 4 weeks old, if that. Immediately I could see this kitten was in dire need of serious medical attention as he was very weak and limp and we weren’t sure if he would survive. He was dehydrated and needed immediate medical attention.
Brenda immediately gave an electrolyte solution under the skin and some kitten milk with a soft rubber tube was inserted orally into his little stomach, and then called her vet Dr. Stewart, which thank god for miracles happened to be opened that Sunday. Brenda rushed the little furbaby immediately to Academy Animal Hospital in Ft Lauderdale and after careful examination, Dr. Stewart informed her that it didn’t look too promising for this kitten to survive and that it would take a miracle if he made it through the night. The next morning early, Brenda called and was informed that in fact, the little black/ white kitten had made it through the night although, the next 24 – 72 hours would be the most crucial, to determine whether he could survive.
After 3 days went by this kitten was showing signs of improvement and had survived a certain death which was a miracle. Dr Stewart finally released the kitten and Brenda took him home and started bottle-feeding him every 3-4 hours to help get him stronger. The kitten, which Brenda now named him “Miracle”, because of how he had the will to live, was off to a new life that was ahead of him.
After bringing “Miracle” home, Brenda also started noticing that “Miracle” had some neurological problems where it seemed as though he was paralyzed and had no movement or feeling in his left front paw and back leg. Again, Miracle was taken back to Dr. Stewart who immediately ran some more tests on this special handicapped kitty. It seemed that Miracle was definitely semi-paralyzed and had either suffered from some neurological spinal injury or was born with a disease associated with the cerebellum (the brain).
It was determined either he was born like this or was injured and left to die in the alley, but no one will ever know. Upon exercising and therapy every day, he started showing signs of some use proving that there was hope that maybe one day Miracle could live a somewhat normal life, however, he would wobble & hobble around like a crab walking sideways, dragging his left side, trying to get into a litter box by himself, trying to use his little paws to hold on and climb. It was sad to see him like this but he was a determined kitty to show he could walk. After watching and taking special care of miracle over the next few weeks Brenda changed his name to Weeble Wobble, because of the popular catchphrase, “Weebles Wobble” but they don’t fall down”, as it fit him perfectly when he would wobble when he walked but would not fall down. So the name stuck.
Upon going back to Dr. Stewart for check-ups periodically, it was clear that his neurological condition was not getting any better, so we decided to take him to a special neurologist to see if there was anything that could be done to help him. Weeble was checked out and it was determined that there was definitely something neurological wrong and that further tests would have to be done once he is six months of age, by then his brain will have grown to its capacity. Weeble Wobble is the most remarkable & determined little kitty. He does not let his disability get in his way and will not back down with any of his siblings. He is so smart and can do so many things that amaze us on some of the things he can do.
He even sleeps in the bed like a little baby on his own special-made pillow that he loves to kneel and purr every night with. There are so many things about our precious little Weeble Wobble that we can go on and on about how this little angel has made our lives so happy to have him around that also brings joy to everyone the meets Weeble for the first time and see that he is a very special little kitty that acts like a shining star that is part cat and dog combined, which we sometimes refer to him as our little “Catdog” he has the personality of a cat and dog combined where he greets you at the door and rubs all over you like a dog and flops down on the floor that wants to get rubbed and scratched. He rubs his little Wobbly head and body on their legs to show his love and appreciation for being so loved and happy.
Weeble has touched the lives of many with his personal strength, courage, and will to live. From the first meeting, Weeble has captured our hearts and has shown us that any living thing can have an unbelievable desire and will to survive and live. (No matter how many times we all have seen these cases, they never cease to amaze and delight us!) He had bounced back from the brink of death several times, and he seems to take every movement his body makes in full awareness of the joy of life. Weeble Wobble lives a very happy life with his other rescued cat brothers and sisters named Gizmo, Gato, Booter Bear, Fur Face Chewbee Doo, and little Zorba in the comfort and loving care with his special guardian foster parent angels Brenda & Don that take care of his daily special medical needs and care to watch over him giving him the unconditional love 24/7 that he truly deserves. He has brought us much the much-needed happiness, joy, and love that we all need in our lives. How could anyone deny this very special needs, fur baby, the possibility of an improved life?
Click Here for Post Surgery pics of Weeble Wobble and YouTube Video Updates